Improved cardiovascular health by incorporating ALA in diet; an essential component of hemp seed oil

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Hemp seed oil- there has been a buzz about this magic oil but what is it? Hemp basically belongs to the cannabis sativa family and comes under the class of non-drug varieties of it, hemp seed is technically an achene or what we may call a nut. Not only the seed but also the stalk provides ample carbohydrate feed stocks for industrial raw material, the oil pressed from hempseed is a rich source of polyunsaturated omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are beneficial for human health, and it is very low in saturated fats. A digestible protein of (ca. 20-25%) a highly unsaturated fat (30-35%) and remainder consists of dietary fiber. It also contains a good amount of alpha linoleic acid.

The good news! This extremely healthy oil not only has numerous health benefits it also tastes really nice,, good quality cold pressed hemp seed oil tastes like walnut and sunflower seeds

What is ALA?

Alpha linoleic acid is basically a plant based essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that must be consumed for the wellbeing and sound functioning of body, deficiencies of this lead to neurological and cardiovascular disorders. ALA acts as a potential nutraceutical to protect from strokes and vasodilation of arteries. ALA acts as a bioactive component which must be incorporated in diet because mammals do not possess the enzymes for de novo synthesis.

ALA and cardiovascular health

The adequate intake according to IOM is 1.6g/d for men and 1.1 g/d for women. Consuming more ALA reduces cardiovascular events and heart irregularities. ALA consumption has also been shown to reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease and cardiac arrest. In the biggest randomized controlled trial to date which consisted of 11,324 patients with coronary heart diseases, those who took ALA daily had a 15% reduction in death, heart attack and stroke incidents, 20% reduction in deaths from any health related cause and 45% reduction in sudden death from cardiac arrest in contrast with placebo over a follow-up of 3.5 years. Several potential mechanisms for favorable effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on overall cardiovascular health exist. Omega-3 fatty acids lower the triglycerides levels in body and increase high density lipoproteins. It is also observed that they decrease platelet aggregation which can avoid coronary arteries from occluding. It also has proven to decrease the chance of heart having an abnormal rhythm, decrease atherosclerosis and reduce inflammatory markers in the body through their natural properties.

In a nutshell, Hemp seed oil is a gift of nature which everyone should incorporate in their dietary intake to maintain a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids in their bodies which will then result in a healthy heart and neurological health

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